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Registration of causes for the biggest donation campaign has started

29 November 2018

Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law is among the 12 civic organizations that organize a national donation campaign BULGARIA GIVES. The campaign is a result of the joint efforts of some of the most respected non-governmental organizations that have a long history and considerable experience in raising funds for their causes and working with donors.

The founders are:

  • “Bulgarian Donor Forum” Association
  • “Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law” Foundation
  • “Bulgarian Fund for Women” Foundation
  •  “Bcause” Foundation
  •  "Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds" Association
  • “The National  Network for Children” Association
  • “Centre for Inclusive Education” Association
  • ”International Award of the Duke of Edinburgh-Bulgaria” Foundation
  • “Listen Up” Foundation
  • “Maria’s World” Foundation
  • WWF Bulgaria

The aim of the national campaign is to promote the donating culture in our country and to put in the focus of the society the support of the civil organizations and their missions as a tool for participation in solving socially significant problems. The idea was born after a study visit of fundraising experts to the United States in the spring of 2017. The training is funded by the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation and meets the Bulgarian experts with successful foundations, working in various fields - education, social support, human rights, etc. In one of these meetings an initiative is presented that brings together hundreds of organizations from the American state of Colorado and encourages support for them on a particular day of the year. The initiative is supported by thousands of citizens, a large number of media, companies, the senator of the state, and is collecting millions of dollars each year.

On December 1, 2017, 12 organizations, that accepted the invitation to become co-founders of the Campaign, signed a memorandum committing themselves to supporting the implementation of this ambitious project through financial and expert help. The main stages of the campaign have been agreed, the main objectives as well as the mechanisms under which it will be managed have also been discussed.

In addition to promoting the work of the organizations, the initiative will also work on building their expertise in presenting their work and their contribution to solving different problems, as well as building a culture of transparency and reporting to the followers and donors who support them in the realization of  their missions.

The campaign will give the opportunity for more causes from all over the country to reach new followers and find support through a large-scale communication campaign. All organizations wishing to present their cause and activity on the Campaign platform - - can apply from 23 November to 15 January 2019. Approved organizations should provide regular information on the funds raised during the Campaign, which will start on 22 March 2019, and should publish a report on the donations spent and the results achieved during the Campaign by 1 October 2019.

 Organizations and causes that meet the criteria set out in the Regulation will be eligible for participation in the Campaign. The following organizations are inadmissible:

  • Legal entities registered under the Commerce Act
  • Healthcare establishments
  • Political parties and / or organizations in relations with political parties
  • State and local authorities

Donations to causes are of great importance for the sustainability and independence of civil society organizations and a factor in the extent to which they can influence decision-making on issues that are important to society as a whole. One of the biggest advantages of the upcoming campaign is that it happens as a result of the united efforts, shared values and a common goal of several organizations that believe they can achieve more together!
