Civic Participation Initiative (2011 – 2012)

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the civic participation in the decison – making process on local and national level.
The project sets two specific objectives:

  •  to eleborate and test a system for civic participation in the decision making process on local level;
  • to sustain the efforts of the community of civil organizations in Bulgaria in recognizing and implementing the Standards for Public Consultations, adopted by the Council of Ministries.

The main activities include:

  • elaboration of legal framework for civic participation in the decision – making process on local level
  • improvement of the capacity of civil society organizations in taking part in the decison-making process on local level;
  • testing the practical models for Public Consultation Standards on local level;
  • Elaboration of proposals for changes in the Law for Normative Acts, Law for direct participation of citizens in government and Law for the Local Government and the Local Administration 
  • Final conference “Civic Participation in the decision making process on local and national level”

Timeframe of the project: September 2011 – June 2012
The project is implemented by Knowledge Association Lovech, PArtner – BCNL
Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy