Article 19 of the Non-profit Legal Entities Act recognizes as associations, the organizations that are established by three or more persons united for performing activities that pursue non-profit objectives.
Generally in order to be recognized as and to receive status of legal persons the associations/foundations should be registered by the Register for not-for-profit legal entities by the Registry Agency.
According to the Law on Corporate Income Taxation, donations in favor of NGOs in public benefit, healthcare institutions, specialized organizations providing social services under the Law on Social Support, the Bulgarian Red Cross and others must be accounted as...
On December 15, together with the first participants in Lab4e we’ve laid the foundations of the processes of sharing experience, researching foreign good practices and improving our ability as social entrepreneurs to respond to pressing social needs and challenges.
This publication was made possible thanks to
the kind support of Ciela Soft And Publishing
The text is part from CIELA Law System and represents an intellectual property of Ciela Soft And Publishing
Chapter one.
The Sustainability Index for NGO's 2015 follows the development of the civil sector in 24 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Asia since 1997. It helps to monitor the status of non-governmental organizations in areas such as legal environment,...
● Candidatures in the contest for the best business plan for a non-governmental organization marked a growth in comparison to previous years.
●Since this year the organizers from Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law Foundation and PACEL Foundation will work in...