ACT – Active Citizenship Together (2014-2015)

The overall objective of the project “Active Citizenship Together” is to strengthen the territorial cohesion in the region, to enhance the sustainable development and improve the capacity to use the local resources.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to promote active NGO participation in the decision-making process at local level in Bulgaria and Serbia;
  • to share knowledge on good EU practices for interaction between NGOs and local authorities and to promote EU standards in the area of NGO participation in decision-making process at local level;
  • to foster the establishment of effective and sustainable models for interaction between NGOs and local authorities in both municipalities Sofia and Pirot District, including for effective participation of NGOs in decision-making;
  • to exchange experience and ideas for improving the legal possibilities for partnership between NGOs and local authorities in both municipalities Sofia and Pirot District.

Project Duration: February 3, 2014 – February 3, 2015
The project is implemented by: Pirgoss Association Serbia in partnership with Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law (BCNL)
Funding: € 11 717
Funded by: Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO006