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Chapter one.
Art. 1. (1) This law shall provide the social relations connected with the social support of the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria
(2) (amend. SG 120/02) The law has as aim:
1. supporting of the citizens who without the support of anybody else cannot satisfy their basic livelihood needs;
2. fostering and development the public solidarity in hard life situations;
3. supporting of the social reintegration of the persons, who receive social support;
4. supporting of the employment of the unemployed persons, who meet the requirements for receiving monthly social support;
5. encouragement of the entrepreneur in the social sphere through conceding of social services by individuals and corporate bodies.
(3) (new – SG 120/02) The social support is expressed in conceding of support and services.
(4) (new – SG 120/02) The social support is based on social work, applying individual approach and assessment of the concrete needs of the persons and the families.
(5) (prev. (3) – SG 120/02) The social support shall be implemented in a way preserving the human dignity of citizens.

Art. 2. (1) (amend. SG 120/02; amend. and suppl. – SG 52/07) The Bulgarian citizens, the foreigners with permission for permanent stay in the Republic of Bulgaria and the foreigners, to whom is conceded asylum, status of refugee or humanitarian status, and the foreigners being granted temporary protection, shall be obliged to render care for satisfying their basic needs.
(2) The social support shall be expressed in conceding support in money and/or in kind and rendering services for satisfying basic vital needs of citizens when this is not possible with their work and with their possessions.
(3) (suppl. SG 120/02) Right to social support shall have Bulgarian citizens, families and cohabitating persons who due to health, age, social and other reasons not depending on them are not able alone, through labour or the incomes, realised from possessed property, or with the help of the persons obliged to support them according to the law cannot satisfy their basic vital needs.
(4) (amend. SG 120/02; amend. and suppl. – SG 52/07) The right of para 3 shall be used also by the foreigners with permission for permanent stay in the Republic of Bulgaria and the foreigners, to whom is conceded asylum, status of refugee or humanitarian status, the foreigners being granted temporary protection, and the persons, about who this is provided in an international agreement, where the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
(5) The receiving of monthly social support shall be connected with the exercising publicly useful labour except in the cases of maternity or when the age and/or health condition of the person do not permit this.
(6) (revoked – SG 120/02).

Art. 3. (amend. SG 120/02) At implementing the social support shall not be admitted direct or indirect discrimination, based on sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, political or other beliefs, religion or belief, damage, age, sexual orientation, family status or origin, membership in trade and other public organisations and movements.

Chapter two.
BODIES OF THE SOCIAL SUPPORT (title changed – SG 120/02)
Art. 4. (1) (amend. SG 120/02) The Council of Ministers shall determine the state policy in the field of the social support.
(2) (amend. SG 120/02) The Minister of Labour and Social Policy shall develop, co-ordinate and conduct the state policy in the field of social support.
(3) (amend. SG 120/02; suppl. – SG 15/10) The state policy in the field of social support shall be implemented in co-operation with the state authorities, regional administrations, the bodies of local government and the non profit corporate bodies, implementing activity public benefit, which create conditions and co-operate for the realising of programmes and projects in this field.
(4) (amend. SG 120/02; amend. – SG 74/09, in force from 15.09.2009; revoked – SG 15/10)
(5) (revoked – SG 15/10)

Art. 5. (amend. SG 120/02) (1) For fulfilment of the state policy in the field of social support shall be created Agency for social support at the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
(2) The Agency for social support shall be executive agency – secondary administrator with budget credits at the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and it shall be a corporate body with residence in Sofia.
(3) The Agency for social support shall be represented and managed by executive director.
(4) At the executive director of the Agency for social support shall be created an inspectorate.
(5) (amend. – SG 18/06) The territorial divisions of the Agency for social support shall be regional directorates for social support at the regional administrative centres and directorates “Social support”.
(6) At the directorates “Social support” shall be created divisions “Protection of child”.
(7) (amend. – SG 18/06) The activity, the structure and the number of the staff of the Agency for social support, the number and the territorial range of its divisions shall be determined with a structural regulation, approved by the Council of Ministers upon proposal by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.

Art. 6. (1) (amend. SG 120/02; prev. text of Art. 6, amend. – SG 15/10) The Agency for social support shall:
1. implement the fulfilment of the state policy for social support;
2. implement activity for releasing of social support and for conceding of social services;
3. (new – SG 15/10) coordinate the activities of planning and development of the social services;
4. (prev. text of Item 03 – SG 15/10) control the observing of approved criteria and standards for implementing of social services;
5. (amend. – SG 14/09; prev. text of Item 04, amend. – SG 15/10) permit opening, closing, changing the type and capacity of specialized institutions and social services in the Community, where delegated by the state;
6. (amend. – SG 18/06; prev. text of Item 05 – SG 15/10) (*) register the persons referred to in Art. 18, para 1, items 3 and 4, implementing social services;
7. (prev. text of Item 06, amend. – SG 15/10) prepare summarised annual reports and analyses of the activity in the field of social aid and social services in the country, which shall be conceded to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy;
8. (prev. text of Item 07, amend. – SG 15/10) participate in the preparation of drafts of normative acts in the field of social aid and social services;
9. (prev. text of Item 08 – SG 15/10) implement also other activities, determined with a law or an act of the Council of Ministers.
(2) (new – SG 15/10) In order to exercise their functions referred to in Para 1, Item 2 the “Social Support” Directorates shall be entitled to free access to the National Database “Population”, which shall be granted pursuant to an agreement between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Social Support Agency, being obliged to request officially the required information from the automated information systems of ESGRAON, the territorial structures of the National Revenue Agency, the Registry Agency, the Employment Agency, the National Insurance Institute and from other state and municipal authorities, as well as from natural and legal persons, where they shall be obliged to provide it free of charge within 14 days from the date of the request.

Art. 7. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Art. 8. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Art. 9. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Art. 10. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Chapter three.
Art. 11. (1) (prev. art. 11, amend.SG 120/02) The social support shall be resources in money and/or in kind which shall add or substitute the own income up to the basic vital needs or satisfy incidentally occurred needs of the supported individuals and families.
(2) (new – SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) Social support shall be received by persons, after all opportunities for self support and support from the persons, referred to in Art. 140 of the Family Code, are exhausted.

Art. 12. (1)The social supports shall be:
1. monthly;
2. purposed;
3. one time.
(2) (new – SG 120/02) Social support shall be conceded after assessment of:
1. the incomes of the person or the family;
2. the property status;
3. the family status;
4. the health status;
5. (suppl. – SG 15/10) the labour and educational engagement;
6. the age;
7. other established circumstances.
(3) (new – SG 120/02) The Council of Ministers shall determine monthly amount of the guaranteed minimum income, which shall serve as basis for determining the social support of para 1.
(4) (prev. (2), amend. SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) The conditions and the order for granting, payment, amendment, suspension, restoration and termination social support shall be regulated with the regulation for implementing this law except the purposed support for heating, which are regulated with ordinance by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.

Art. 12a. (new – SG 120/02; revoked – SG 15/10)

Art. 12b. (new – SG 120/02) (1) The unemployed persons, who meet the conditions for support with monthly supports, shall be included in programmes for employment, approved by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
(2) The persons of para 1, refused participation in programmes for employment, shall be deprived from monthly support for a term of one year.
(3) The realising of the programmes of para 1 shall be implemented together by the municipal administrations, the state, the municipal and the private enterprises and other corporate bodies, the territorial divisions of the Agency for employment and of the Agency for social support.
(4) The including in programmes for employment of para 1 shall not be obligatory for:
1. those, taking care of children up to 3 years of age:
a) mothers (adopters);
b) parents, who care alone for their children;
c) guardians;
2. pregnant women after the third month of their pregnancy;
3. the persons with durable damages or with established temporary inability to work;
4. the persons, taking care of ill member of the family or of relatives of ascending or descending line up to second degree;
5. the persons, taking care of a member of the family or of relatives of ascending or descending line up to second degree, who have damage and need permanently other’s help;
6. the persons with psychic diseases, established by the competent bodies.

Art. 12c. (new – SG 18/06, in force from 01.07.2007; revoked – SG 15/10, in force from 01.01.2011)

Art. 13. (amend. SG 120/02) (1) Social support shall be conceded on the basis of application – declaration, submitted by the one in need or by a person, authorised by him.
(2) The support of para 1 shall be conceded with an order of the director of directorate “Social support” or by official, authorised by him after assessment of all the data and the circumstances, established with social enquiry.
(3) The refusal releasing of social support shall obligatory be motivated.
(4) (amend. – SG 15/10) The order for releasing or refusal of social support shall be announced in writing to the person, submitted application in 14 days term of its issuing.
(5) (amend. – SG 30/06, in force from 12.07.2006) The order of para 2 shall be appealed before the director of the regional directorate “Social support” by the order of the Administrative procedure code.

Art. 14. (1) The social support shall be exempt from taxes and fees.
(2) The right to social support shall be personal. The refusal from this right as well as its transfer shall not be valid.
(3) From money social support shall not be possible to take deductions except for:
1. overdrawn resources for social support as a result of accounting-technical mistake;
2. distraint for receivables for maintenance of children.
(4) (revoked – SG 18/06)
(5) (new – SG 120/02, in force from 01.01.2003, amend. – SG 18/06; amend. – SG 15/10) The persons, received unconscientiously social support, shall be deprived from them until they refund the due amounts for no longer than a term of two years.
(6) (new – SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) The persons, used the purposed support for heating not for its designation, shall be deprived from the right to receive such also for the following heating season.
(7) (new – SG 120/02) The receivables of the persons under this law shall be cleared off in three months term, assumed from the end of the month they refer to.

Art. 14a. (new – SG 18/06) (1) Upon written warning about funds of social aid received in bad faith or upon the decision of the director of the respective “Social Support” Directorate, an inspection shall be carried out by an official from the Directorate.
(2) Attesting record about the results of the inspection shall be prepared by the official referred to in para 1 which shall be presented to the director of the “Social Support” Directorate in a three day period.
(3) In case bad faith was found the director of “Social Support” Directorate shall issue a motivated order for returning the received social aid together with the statutory interest.

Art. 14b. (new – SG 18/06) (1) (amend. – SG 30/06, in force from 12.07.2006) The order referred to in Art. 14a, para 3 may be appealed according to the Administrative procedure code in a 7-day period from the day it has been received. The appeal stops its implementation and preliminary implementation shall not be allowed.
(2) (amend. – SG 59/07, in force from 01.03.2008) The compulsory execution of the order referred to in Art. 14a, Para 3 shall be allowed upon request of Directorate “Social Support” pursuant to the provisions of Art. 418 of the Civil Procedure Code.

Art. 14c. (new – SG 18/06) The parties of the procedures referred to in Art. 14b shall be exempt from procedural fees.

Art. 15. (amend. SG 120/02; prev. text of Art. 15 – SG 15/10) The persons supported by the order of this law shall be obliged to notify in writing the respective directorate “Social support” about all the circumstances pointed out in art. 12, para 2, items 1 – 7 in not more than one month after occurrence.
(2) (new – SG 15/10) In case of failure to perform the obligations under Para 1 the persons shall be deprived from social support for a year.

Chapter four.
Art. 16. (amend. SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) (1) The social services shall be based on purposeful social work to support the persons for:
1. implementing of the everyday activities;
2. social integration.
(2) The social services shall be conceded on basis of an individual assessment of the capabilities and according to the wish and to the personal choice of the persons.

Art. 17. (amend. SG 120/02) (1) The social services shall be implemented against payment of fees or according to a contract by the persons who are using them.
(2) The fees for social services, funded by the republican budget, shall be determined with a tariff, approved by the Council of Ministers.
(3) The fees for social services, funded by the municipal budget, shall be paid according to the Law of the local taxes and fees.
(4) (amend. – SG 18/06) The payment of social services, conceded by the persons referred to in Art. 18, para 1, items 3 and 4, shall be implemented according to a contract.

Art. 18. (amend. SG 120/02) (1) (amend. – SG 18/06) (*) The social services shall be implemented by:
1. the state;
2. by the municipalities;
3. by Bulgarian individuals, registered under the Commercial law, and corporate bodies;
4. (amend. – SG 14/09) natural persons carrying out commercial activity and legal persons constituted under the legislation of another Member State of the European Union or of another state of the European Economic Area.
(2) (amend. – SG 18/06) (*) The persons referred to in para 1, items 3 and 4 may concede social services only after entering in the register of the Agency for social support.
(3) (amend. – SG 18/06) (*) The persons referred to in para 1, items 3 and 4 may concede social services for children up to 18 years of age after issuing of license and entering in the register of para 2.
(4) The conditions and the order shall be regulated with the regulation for implementation of the law.
(5) (amend. – SG 18/06; revoked – SG 15/10)
(6) (amend. – SG 14/09; revoked – SG 15/10)
(7) (revoked – SG 15/10)
(8) (revoked – SG 15/10)

Art. 18a. (new – SG 15/10) (1) The mayor of municipality shall manage the social services on the territory of the municipality that are activities delegated by the state and local activities and shall be an employer of the heads of these activities except in cases of assignment of the management under Para 3.
(2) Employer of the staff of a social service that is activity delegated by the state and local activity shall be its head.
(3) The mayor of municipality may assign the management of the social services that are activities delegated by the state and local activities to the persons under Art. 18, Para 2 and 3 through a contest or pursuant to agreement in case of a single candidate.
(4) Social services may be provided jointly pursuant to a contract between the state, the municipalities and the persons under Art. 18, Para 1, Items 3 and 4.
(5) The persons of Art. 18, Para 2 and 3 can apply for resources from fund “Social support” after defending a project.
(6) All activities in the field of social services shall be conceded in compliance with the criteria and standards, determined with the regulation for implementation of the law and ordinance about the criteria and the standards for social services for children, approved by the Council of Ministers.

Art. 19. (amend. SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) (1) The regional governors shall organize the drafting and approval of strategies for development of the social services on the level of the region in coordination with the corresponding regional directorates for social support.
(2) The municipal councils shall adopt strategies and annual plans for development of the social services on municipal level in coordination with the corresponding “Social Support” Directorates.
(3) The annual plans under Para 2 shall be adopted annually and shall contain the activities that shall be carried out during the next calendar year.
(4) The conditions and the order for planning, opening, providing and closing social services shall be determined with the regulation for implementation of the law.

Chapter five.
Art. 20. (amend. SG 120/02; revoked – SG 15/10)

Chapter six.
Art. 21. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Art. 22. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Art. 23. (revoked – SG 120/02)

Chapter seven.
Art. 24. (amend. SG 120/02) The funding of the social support shall be implemented with resources from:
1. the republican budget
2. the municipal budgets;
3. national and international programmes;
4. donations from local and foreign individuals and corporate bodies;
5. resources from fund “Social support”;
6. other sources.
(2) The Agency for social support shall be administrator of the following incomes:
1. incomes from fines for violations under this law;
2. revenues from advertising – information and publishing activity;
3. donations and wills from local and foreign individuals or corporate bodies;
4. incomes from other sources.

Art. 24a. (new – SG 120/02)The persons of art. 18, para 2 and 3 can apply for receiving of financial resources for implementing of social services from the republican budget and from the municipal budgets observing the approved criteria and standards, determined with the regulation for implementation of the law and ordinance for the criteria and the standards for social services for children.

Art. 25. (amend. SG 120/02) At the Minister of Labour and Social Policy shall be established fund “Social support” – secondary administrator with budget credits.

Art. 26. (amend. SG 120/02) The resources of fund “Social support” shall be collected from:
1. purposed subsidy from the republican budget in extent determined annually with the Law for the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria;
2. donations and wills from local and foreign individuals or corporate bodies;
3. (amend. – SG 15/10) fees, paid by the persons, using social services, financed by the republican budget;
4. incomes from organised additional and specialised issues of the State pecuniary – subject lottery and of the Bulgarian sport totaliser;
5. restored unlawfully and unconscientiously received resources from the fund and the interests for them;
6. (amend. – SG 18/06) fees for issued licenses;
7. incomes from other sources.

Art. 27. (amend. SG 120/02) The resources of fund “Social support” shall be spent for:
1. social support;
2. purposed social programmes and projects in the field of social support;
3. social services implemented by the municipalities as well as by persons, entered in the register of art. 18, para 2 and 3;
4. investigations and development of normative base in the field of the social support – not more than 2percent of the annual amount of the fund;
5. acquisition of long term assets and current maintenance of the material base;
6. construction of new, reconstruction and modernisation of the existing material base for conceding of social services;
7. maintenance of the activity of the fund – not more than 5 percent of the collected funds.

Art. 28. (amend. – SG 15/10) (1) Management body of fund “Social support” shall be the management council comprised by manager, deputy manager and three members who shall be appointed and discharged by the Minister of Labour and the Social Policy.

Art. 29. The management council of fund “Social support” shall:
1. develop regulation for its activity;
2. (amend. – SG 15/10) develop and propose to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy a draft budget of the fund;
3. (amend. – SG 15/10) take decisions for accrual and expenditure of the fund resources;
4. (new – SG 15/10) determine the conditions and order for allocation of the funds and financing the fund activities;
5. (amend. – SG 105/06, in force from 01.01.2007; prev. text of Item 04 – SG 15/10) compile the annual financial statement according to the requirement of the Law for accounting;
6. (prev. text of Item 05, suppl. – SG 15/10) prepare the annual report about the activity of the fund and submit it to the Minister of the Labour and the Social Policy.

Art. 30. The Minister of Labour and Social Policy shall approve the regulation for the activity of the management council of fund “Social support”.

Chapter eight.
Art. 31. (1) (amend. SG 120/02) The Minister of Labour and Social Policy shall exercise overall control over the observing of this law and the other normative acts in the field of social support.
(2) (amend. SG 120/02) The specialised control of the lawful application of the normative acts in the field of social support at the territorial divisions of the Agency for social support and at the specialised institutions for social services and the social services, conceded in the community, as well as of the observing of the criteria and the standards for implementing of social services, shall be implemented by the inspectorate of art. 5, para 4.
(3) (amend. SG 120/02) The control of observing of the standards for quality of the social services for children, determined in ordinance for the criteria and the standards for social services for children, shall be implemented by the State agency for protection of child.

Art. 32. (1) Implementing the control functions the inspectors shall have the right to:
1. visit without restriction the bodies for social support and the places where are implemented activities for social support;
2. require explanations and conceding documents, information and data;
3. receive directly from the supported persons the necessary information.
(2) (Amend., SG 45/02) The inspectors shall be obliged to observe the normative requirements for protection of the classified information that has become known to them at and in connection with the implemented checks as well as to respect the honour and the dignity of the supported persons.
(3) At establishing breaches of law containing data about committed crime the inspectorate shall notify immediately the bodies of the prosecutor’s office.

Art. 33. The state bodies and the corresponding officials shall be obliged to concede information and to render cooperation to inspectors implementing their functions.

Art. 34. (1) (amend. SG 120/02) For preventing or termination the breaches of law for social support the inspectors shall be able to impose the following compulsory administrative measures:
1. give compulsory instructions for removal of the admitted breaches;
2. (amend. SG 120/02) stop the implementation of unlawful decisions:
3. (amend. SG 120/02) enter data about implemented violations in the register of art. 18, para 2 and propose deleting of the entering.
(2) (amend. – SG 30/06, in force from 12.07.2006) The compulsory administrative measures of para 1 shall be possible to be appealed against by the order of the Administrative procedure code.

Art. 35. (1) (prev. text of Art. 35 – SG 15/10) In the municipalities shall be established public councils with a decision of the municipal council, which shall cooperate and help at implementing the activities for social support and exercise public control over their implementation.
(2) (new – SG 15/10) The public councils shall assist and support the municipal councils and the mayors of municipalities for analyzing the needs of social services and shall participate in development of the strategies and the annual plans under Art. 19, Para 2.

Art. 36. (1) An official who guiltily breaches the legislation for social support shall bear administrative punitive responsibility regardless of the disciplinary and the proprietary responsibility for the same act.
(2) (amend. SG 120/02, amend. – SG 18/06) The penalty of para 1 shall be a fine in extent of 600 lv and for repeated breach – 1200 lv.
(3) The penalty of para 2 shall be imposed also to persons who do not fulfil the compulsory penalties of art. 37, para 1, item 1.

Art. 37. (1) The breach shall be established with an act compiled by an inspector.
(2) (amend. SG 120/02) The punitive decision shall be issued by the executive director of the Agency for social support.
(3) The establishing of the breaches, the issuing, appealing against and implementing of the punitive decisions shall be accomplished by the order of the Law for administrative breaches and penalties.
(4) (revoked – SG 120/02).

Art. 38. (revoked – SG 120/02).

Additional provisions

§ 1. In the sense of this law:
1. “Basic vital needs” are sufficient food, clothing and home according to the social and economic development of the country.
2. “Cohabitating persons” are those living together in one home with or without ties of relationship registered on one address.
3. (amend. SG 120/02) “Social integration” is the creating of conditions and opportunities to the highest possible degree for participation of the supported persons in public life.
4. (suppl. – SG 41/09, in force from 01.07.2009; amend. – SG 15/10) “Persons with durable damages” are persons with established degree of permanently reduced ability to work or particular kind and degree of inability of 50 and over 50 percent.
5. (new – SG 120/02) “Specialised institutions” are homes of the type of boarding house, where the people are separated from their domestic environment.
6. (new – SG 120/02) “Social services” are activities, which support and expand the opportunities of the persons to lead independent way of life and are implemented at specialised institution and in the community.
7. (new – SG 120/02; amend. – SG 15/10) “Social services in the community” are services, conceded in family ambience or close to the family ambience.
8. (new – SG 14/09; revoked – SG 15/10)
9. (new – SG 120/02; prev. text of Item 08 – SG 14/09) “Social work” is professional activity for improvement of the mutual adaptation of the supported persons, the families, the groups and the ambience they live in. It is a complex of supporting activities, directed to achieving of better quality of life, dignity and responsibility of people on the basis of their individual abilities, the interpersonal relations and the resources of the community.
10. (new – SG 120/02; prev. text of Item 09 – SG 14/09; suppl. – SG 15/10) “Guaranteed minimum income” is normatively determined amount of resources, which is used as a basis for determining the social support with objective ensuring of minimum income for satisfying of basic living needs of the persons, according to their age, family status, health and property condition, employment and education occupation.
11. (new – SG 120/02; prev. text of Item 10 – SG 14/09; amend. – SG 15/10) “Social enquiry” is activity for establishing of the existence of the conditions for exercising of the right to social support, implemented by social workers in Directorate “Social support”, which is expressed in checks in the home of the person and/or the family, in investigating of documentation and collecting of information.

Concluding provisions

§ 2. This law shall repeal the Edict for public support (prom…; amend. …).

§ 3. The Council of Ministers shall issue a regulation for the implementation of the law.

§ 4. The implementation of the law shall be assigned to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
The law is passed by the 38 National Assembly on May 7, 1998 and is affixed with the state seal.

Transitional and concluding provisions
of the Law of amendment and supplement of the Law for social support – SG 120 2002
§ 32. The Agency for social support, created with this law, shall be legal successor of the National service for social support and of the municipal services for social support and it shall take their assets and liabilities.

§ 33. The employment legal relations with the employees of the National service for social support and of the municipal services for social support and of the establishments for social services shall be regulated under the conditions and by the order of art. 123 of the Labour Code.

§ 34. The property, used by the municipal service for social support by the date the law enters into force, shall be conceded for gratuitous use to the Agency for social support for the needs of directorates “Social support”.

§ 35. The regional governors and the mayors of the municipalities shall create conditions and co-operate with the Agency for social support, conceding for use to it buildings, premises and other material conditions, necessary for implementing of its activity.

§ 36. The territorial divisions of the Agency for social support, which are accommodated in buildings – property of the state or of the municipalities, shall not pay rent.

§ 37. The existing establishments for social services, which are at municipal and/or state budget maintenance by the moment the law enters into force, shall pass under the management of the mayor of the respective municipality, who shall also be employer of the staff in them.

§ 38. The persons, licensed for implementing of social services, shall be obliged to be entered in the register of art. 18, para 2 in three months term after the law enters into force.

§ 44. The law shall enter into force on January 1, 2003.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 18/06)

§ 12. The provisions of § 2, § 6, § 7, items 1, 2, item 3 concerning the words “The persons referred to in para 1, items 3 and 4”, and item 4 and § 11 shall be implemented form the date of Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union enters into force.

§ 13. Paragraph 3 enters into force on July 1st 2006.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 30/06, IN FORCE FROM 12.07.2006)

§ 118. In the Law for social support (prom. – SG 56/98; amend. – SG 45 and 120/02; 18/06) the words “Law of the administrative procedure” shall be replaced by “Administrative procedure code”.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 142. The code shall enter into force three months after its promulgation in State Gazette, with the exception of:
1. division three, § 2, item 1 and § 2, item 2 – with regards to the repeal of chapter third, section II “Appeal by court order”, § 9, item 1 and 2, § 15 and § 44, item 1 and 2, § 51, item 1, § 53, item 1, § 61, item 1, § 66, item 3, § 76, items 1 – 3, § 78, § 79, § 83, item 1, § 84, item 1 and 2, § 89, items 1 – 4§ 101, item 1, § 102, item 1, § 107, § 117, items 1 and 2, § 125, § 128, items 1 and 2, § 132, item 2 and § 136, item 1, as well as § 34, § 35, item 2, § 43, item 2, § 62, item 1, § 66, items 2 and 4, § 97, item 2 and § 125, item 1 – with regard to the replacement of the word “the regional” with the “administrative” and the replacement of the word “the Sofia City Court” with “the Administrative court – Sofia”, which shall enter into force from the 1st of May 2007;
2. paragraph 120, which shall enter into force from the 1st of January 2007;
3. paragraph 3, which shall enter into force from the day of the promulgation of the code in State Gazette.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 105/06)

§ 61. This Law shall enter into force from 1 January 2007, except § 48, which enters into force from 1 July 2007.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 59/07, IN FORCE FROM 01.03.2008)

§ 61. This code shall enter into force from 1 March 2008, except for:
1. Part Seven “Special Rules Related to Proceedings on Civil Cases Subject to Application of European Union Legislation”
2. Paragraph 2, Para 4;
3. Paragraph 3 related to revocation of Chapter Thirty Two “a” “Special Rules for Recognition and Admission of Enforcement of Decisions of Foreign Courts and of Other Foreign Authorities” with Art. 307a – 307e and Part Seven “Proceedings for Returning a Child or Exercising the Right of Personal Relations” with Art. 502 – 507;
4. Paragraph 4, Para 2;
5. Paragraph 24;
6. Paragraph 60,
which shall enter into force three days after the promulgation of the Code in the State Gazette.

Concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 58/08, IN FORCE FROM 01.07.2008)

§ 2. This law shall enter into force from 1 July 2008.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 41/09, IN FORCE FROM 02.06.2009)

§ 96. This law shall enter into force from the day of its promulgation in the State Gazette, except for:
1. paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 9, which shall enter into force from 1 January 2009;
2. paragraphs 26, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 65, 66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89 and 90, which shall enter into force from 1 July 2009;
3. paragraph 21, which shall enter into force from 1 June 2010.

Concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 74/09, IN FORCE FROM 15.09.2009)

§ 48. This Law shall enter into force from the day of its promulgation in the State Gazette, except § 1, which shall enter into force from 15 September 2009, and § 47, which shall enter into force from 1 October 2009.

Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG 15/10)

§ 21. The certificates issued to multiple-child mothers pursuant to Art. 20, Para 1 of the regulations on implementation of the Law shall be reissued within one year from entry into force of this Law.

§ 22. Within one month from entry into force of this Law the Council of Ministers shall adopt the required amendments and supplementations to the regulations on implementation of the law and to the Regulations on Implementation of the Law on the Social Support for Children (prom. – SG 67/02; amend. – SG 93/04; corr. – SG 97/04; amend. – SG 115/04, SG 71/06 and SG 34/09).
§ 23. Paragraph 6 shall enter into force from 1 January 2011.