Bon Appetit Catering
Bon Appetit Catering of the Maria’s World Foundation
Rich and tasty catering, attractive for both the palate and the eye, lately more and more popular for parties and events. Prepared professionally and with touching kindness by people with intellectual disabilities who inhabit the "Maria’s World". All this – before the crisis. It, however, stopped the parties and events and it is not the time for catering. But another opportunity opened up. Thanks to the support of the SAVE the SAVIORS Initiative, the young people from Bon Appétit are already prepare worm lunch.
Three course meals – on very low price covering just the costs for the products without markup, this lunch is delivered daily to people who cannot afford food on market prices. Grateful to receive it are families of people with disabilities, seniors with low pensions, unemployed people left with no income. There is no financial profit for Bon Appétit, but profit there is. It is large and for everyone – the social company is saved and one cook and ten assistances /all of them young people with mental disorders/ have learned new skills which will be of help to them once the crisis is over.
And 20 people in Sofia receive warm lunch and heartwarming attention. For now they are 20, but Bon Appétit say they want and can feed 70 people. And they will do it with the support of SAVE the SAVIORS.