De minimis (July 2014)
Тhe title of this analysis may sound unrelated to the topics of NGOs,
but this is not really true! This survey researches whether and how
financing programs for NGOs in Bulgaria which aim to develop and support
various civic initiatives and activities, apply the State Aid rules. An
important part of the study is the comparative review of practices in
other Member States, in order to understand whether there is equal
treatment of civil society organizations within the EU or as a result of
different enforcement there is unequal treatment.
“De minimis”
analysis is a legal research aimed at putting forward proposals for the
Bulgarian authorities to consider with a view to improving the
application of the common EU rules and hence, and the legal and
institutional environment for Bulgarian NGOs. More about our arguments
you can find here.
analysis was conducted under the “House of the Civil Society –
Community for Development” Project (BG05/576), implemented by the
Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (BCNL) and ProInfo Foundation.
The project is financed under the Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria
under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism over the period
2009–2014 (