“Legal framework of the social services in Bulgaria” is a publication of the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law, created on the photo Project “The Social Services in Bulgaria – New Possibilities for Development” funded under the Phare “Civil Society Development” Programme 2001 of the European Union.


The material aims to present the changes made in the legal arrangements for delivery of social services by which the non-profit legal entities and the state and municipal bodies to be assisted in their efforts to build successful partnership in the social sphere in accordance with acting legislation. The new philosophy in the system of social support, the principle of decentralization in the social services delivery, the opportunities for improvement of the quality of social services and the mechanism for social contracting have been described in it.


The edition has a direct practical purpose as in the style of “Questions and answers” in its first part tries to answer the most frequently asked questions related to the future activity of the NGOs as social services providers.


In its second part, the publication presents the most important legal definitions in the social sphere as well as the full text or extracts from the most important legal documents as the Social Assistance Act and its Implementing Regulations, the Child Protection Act and its implementing Regulations and the Ordinance for the Criteria and the Standards of the Social Services for Children.