“The non-governmental organizations and the public procurements” is an issue of the Bulgarian Center for Not- for-Profit Law prepared under the Project “Raising the Capacity of the Administration and the NGOs for contracting out social services”, implemented in partnership with the “Open Society Institute” – Sofia.
The objective of the research is to make an outline of the essential regulations in the legal frame of public procurements under the new Public Procurements Law and the adopted under it implementing regulative acts. Based on the comparison between the new and the old legal arrangements the analysis examines the opportunity for NGOs to take part in procedures as assignors or or executors of public procurements.
The research aims at raising the knowledge in the field of public procurement and thus assisting NGOs and the government and local authorities in their interpreting and application of the Public Procurement Law.
The analysis comprises four parts. The first part explains the nature of public procurements, the objectives and the principles in their regulation. The second part presents the essential regulations in assigning of public procurements set forth by PPL from October 1st, 2004. A separate chapter reviews the legal regulations having effect before the coming into force of the new PPL. The material mainly emphasizes on the application of the law to NGOs and their opportunity of taking part in procedures for public procurements. This matter is placed in a separate part four where the legal framework is interpreted and real cases of possible participation of NGOs in assigning public procurement are revealed.