Human (legal capacity) in the loop

The project aims to scale up the potential of NGOs that promote legal capacity and to develop holistic methodological framework which will support new organizations to start and/or reload such programs. Key goal is to enter in the digital field and promote the concept for legal capacity for all among new counterparts.The main outcome of this action is to ensure capacity for all as a sustainable change in physical and digital environment.


1. Reach out new areas for defending legal capacity for all: enter in new knowledge field – digital democracy and put into discussion key issues of importance – how the access of people with disabilities is ensured to use all the technologies; does the legal capacity is ensured and do the appropriate support and affirmative actions are on ground, etc.

2: Scale up the knowledge: convert the local practice to a global language and elaborate a road map and standard protocols that each local organization, that want to start or develop further their legal capacity program, can use this as a guide.

3: Mobilize further the movement: continue working for increasing the number of supporters by campaigning and mobilizing more and more organizations that are part of the movement. In parallel, we will continue with the efforts to research the change that the SDM program is providing in Bulgaria.

Timeframe of the project: 01.01.2022 – 01.06.2023

The project is implemented by: Bulgarian Center for Not-for-profit Law (BCNL).

Total project budget: 100 000 USD

 Financed by: Open Society Foundations