Know-How Lab For Social Entrepreneurship

Aims of the project:

•    The main aim of the project is to ensure higher and long-term employment of vulnerable groups through exchange of  innovative models and practices implemented by social enterprises.

•    The specific aims of the project are to:

– Encourage the exchange of knowledge  among social enterprises from Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Italy on innovative approaches to human resource management and recruitment, development and job retention practices of vulnerable groups;
– Create innovative social enterprises targeting new target groups for Bulgaria (refugees and migrants), aiming at full socio-economic integration;
– Improve the working conditions of people with disabilities, including through the implementation and use of tools to assess labor market preparedness;
– Increase the capacity of the enterprises involved in the implementation of the project for sustainable development and professional integration in their structures.


How will we achieve them:

We will launch a Know-How Lab for Social Entrepeneurshup which will contribute to building a community for finding, testing and implementing good and effective practices with a social focus from other EU countries. The organizations participationg in the project will be involved in study visits. Foreign experience will be presented through various models of employment of vulnerable groups in social enterprises and good practices for improving the organization and working conditions in them. With mentorship by the team experts, they will start activities on prototyping and implementing of innovations in the daily work of the social enterprises.


Timeframe of the project:  14 Months (October 2nd, 2017 – December 31st, 2018)

Financing: 159 005.05 lv.: 151 054,80 lv. European and 7 950,25 lv. national co-financing.

De Passerel Foundation, The Netherlands
Regional Institute for cooperative education and studies “Irecoop Veneto”, Italy
Association “PRISM – International Promotion Sicily-World”, Italy


The project is held under the “Human Resources Development” Operational Programme 2014-2020 through joint financing by the European Social Fund in the European Union
Procedure BG05M9OP001-4.001 “Transnational and Danube partnerships for Employment and Growth”, according to Contract № BG05M9OP001-4.001-01.07-C01