Contracting of Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities


Main objective: The project aims to stimulate the
development of community based social services for people with
intellectual disabilities through supporting social contracting and
enhancing the partnership between NGOs and municipalities.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Open Society Institute – Sofia and Mental Health Initiative – Budapest. 

Expected results:  

1. Enhanced knowledge and capacity of NGOs and Municipalities in the Area of Social Contractingin six centres in Bulgaria;

2. Two social services contracted to NGO social service provider;

3. Practical experience gained by representatives of NGOs and Municipalities from Study tour to CEE country;

4. Disseminating good practices, sharing experience and discussing
practical problems in social contracting during a national conference;

5. Preparation of position paper to outline the challenges before
the social reform and how the deinstitutionalization can be stimulated
trough supporting the community based social services;


 Source of funding: Open Society Institute – Sofia