New perspectives for vulnerable groups – improving the quality of social services and support to the social enterprises

2005 -2006

Main objective: The goal of the project is the social inclusion of
vulnerable people through the support of social enterprises’ activities
and preparation of a system for quality control, which should be
observed in the social services provision.

The project is implemented in partnership with “Programme and Analytical Center for European Law”.

Expected Results:

1. Analysis of the legal frame for social entrepreneurship and the
control of social services in Bulgaria and the acting mechanisms and
practices in the EU-member states;

2. Preparation of a practical manual for social enterprises;

3. Creation of a system of effective control mechanisms for delivery of qualitative social services;

4. Drafting a package of measures for supporting the social entrepreneurship;

5. Organizing a media campaign, discussions and conferences for
popularization of the system for control and the package of measures.

Source of funding: European union – Phare Civil Society Development Programme 2002