The new digital security company of the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law "We Protect" („Ние пазим“) was officially opened on October 16th, 2023.
The aim of the "Digital Bodyguards" campaign is to arm people with information and awareness of the importance of digital freedoms. After meeting the "digital bodyguards", visitors to the website understand more about their real rights online and how to protect them.
The environment, be it physical or digital, makes no difference in rights – they are always there and are ubiquitous. Anything that is not allowed offline is also forbidden online.
To help you better understand how your rights are protected online, and to give you guidance on what to do when they are violated, we created Here we will introduce you to your digital rights and their content, give you information from verified and established sources, and be there for your questions. Your digital security is possible when you have access to informed choices about what, how much, how and with whom to share online.
“Digital freedom starts with you! In the age of endless data streams YOU are the greatest protector of your digital rights”
In fact, what are your digital rights? Are they different from the human rights that are inherent and belong to you simply because you are human?
The rights are the same – what is important is how they are implemented and what are the mechanisms to protect them. For example, the right of association. If you want to come together with like-minded people because you believe in a common cause, you just get together, discuss, act together. Online, on the other hand, a platform is needed that allows everyone to take part in the conversation in a safe and secure manner.
Rights do not change – only the environment is different. The right to anonymity, the right to access the internet, the right to freedom of expression, the right to access to digital education, the right to access to online justice, the right to digital security – the digital world creates challenges in protecting them all. But we are here to help you become the strongest advocate for your rights in the online environment.
And we're not alone in this. We are proud to have the people on the creative team at the global studio for social impact Fine Acts as our partners in this unconventional endeavor.
*All images in the campaign are generated using artificial intelligence. They do not represent real scenes or events and are created through computer algorithms.
The campaign is implemented within the project "Rights in the Loop – Spotlighting Human Rights in the Digital Space" by the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law and with the creative support of Fine Acts. The project is funded by the German Marshall Fund of the United States of America and the United States Agency for International Development. Цялата отговорност за съдържанието на настоящата публикация се носи от Български център за нестопанско право и не отразява непременно възгледите на GMF или USAID.